Sunday, October 6, 2013


If you came to this blog thinking I was talking about this PBR . . .
well, I'm sorry but you've come to the wrong place. Because today, I'm talking about this PBR:
Palm Beach Regency. Ever heard of it? Am I the last one to know? Sometimes, it feels that way. Well, if you're as unenlightened as I was, you're in for a treat. And if you have heard of it, well, just bear with my poor, little last-to-the-party self. I stumbled across this amazing online shop while reading one of my favorite blogs, Birds of a Feather (hi Ann and Hooper!) a couple of weeks ago. It is chocked full of all the bamboo and Hollywood Regency goodness we've come to expect from the Palm Beach area. 
I mean, I've known about Circa Who for quite some time and even bought a chandelier from them about 6 years ago, but was so happy to find another resource for what I consider to be some very cool stuff. Here is just a smattering of the eye candy . . .

Remember the rope chair I missed out on at the flea market? Well, these are actually sold too. One day, I will find some! Aren't they fabulous? And since we're on the subject of ropes/tassels, here are some other finds that caught my eye . . .

And remember how I was dreaming of a ceramic dog?

Well, it looks like I'll have to keep dreaming because this one is $750! A little out of my price range. Doesn't he remind you of this little guy?

And, a little vintage needlepoint in the Chinoiserie style, of course . . . 

I think you get the point. There's more bamboo, lucite, Hollywood Regency and Chinoiserie goodies than you can shake a stick at (I really have no idea what that saying means, but growing up in the South people used it when referring to a boatload of something. That's all I know). Of course, shipping is always an issue when shopping online, but sometimes it's fun just to look and get inspired. My vintage shopping has been really hurting lately . . . not finding much of anything locally. So, any port in the storm. 

Any online shopping haunts that make you happy? Please do share.

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