Do you all remember Lilly Pulitzer furniture -- well sad to say, I believe it is no longer in production (according to a post on HFI Brands
Facebook page). Oh well. Maybe they will sell the division and we will see a revival. I have been looking for fun Hollywood Regency inspired bamboo furniture and I found a few pieces from Lexington that were not half bad. I thought I would share:
Reminds me of an Oomph Table |
Definitely channeling 60s patio furniture. Love. |
Cute bar cart (have you seen the new Serena & Lilly catalogue? They have a similar one) |
Reminds me of that Lily or Bungalow5 Dining table |
Cool dining table |
Something you would see in a little girls room. |
As an antique, this would be fab. If the finishes are off, it could be disastrous. |
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