Everyone should own "real" art that moves them -- an original piece of art that speaks to who you are and makes you happy when you look at it. Art does not need to match your decor exactly and the best art compliments your space; it stays with you for life and is like a treasured friend.
Growing up, our house was filled with original art work -- with work by my painter mother and her artist friends. To get the work she loved, my mother would trade her paintings or when she had the cash, she would buy art (she still does) like others buy shoes and bags. None of the work matched her decor or even each other, she collected each piece for its unique beauty and the sheer joy it gave her.
You don't have to be filthy rich to own original art (or good reproductions) by American painters. In fact, many pieces can be acquired for unbelievably low prices directly from the artist. And while you can buy from artists online through their websites (usually notoriously out-dated if they have them) there is nothing like seeing the brush strokes and color of a painting in person. Today, the absolute best place to buy original art work is at "street" art shows or "art festivals." The artists who show on the "street" sell to galleries and some even have their own small galleries; but the prices at the art shows just can't be beat. Lots of cities and resort towns have art shows, just check the local papers or an artist trade magazine called "Sunshine Artist"
This weekend my mom and I dropped in on the show in downtown Sarasota, Florida. There were so many talented artists that I had to share some of the best with you.
This was the find of the show: artist Eugene J. Quinn knocked our socks off with his beautiful loose painterly style and his amazing color. Both my mother and I purchased his work. www.eugenejquinn.com; email: info@eugenejquinn.com |
These photos do not do Eugene J. Quinn's work justice |
Eugene J. Quinn |
Lovely little gem by Eugene J. Quinn must be seen in person to fully appreciate; 6x15 |
Reproduction of waterolors by Gene Rizzo |
My mother purchased this painting by artist Martin Figlinski entitled "Panama Beach" -- they named it together before he ran her credit card. That is part of the fun of buying at street art fairs, you meet the artist and have a long conversation and before you know it, you are giving his painting a title and whipping out your credit card...www.figlinski.com. |
I loved this painting, but my walls are filled with art -- and while I stand by the position that art doesn't need to matchy-match your decor, I try and make it so that one painting does not overwhelm the others -- this piece needs a room of its own! The colors of Dovile Saldaitis' paintings are just phenomenal. Dovile2004@yahoo.com |
We were running to the car and I snapped this picture quickly but failed to get the artist's name. My apologies to the very talented artist!! |
Loved this artist as well, and I believe she might actually be the mother of Dovile Saldaitis (above). See artist Rasa Saldaitis' beautiful work at her website www.saldaitisart.com. |
Again, large canvas by Richard Johnson |
My mother's talented friend, Mary Erickson. I purchased two heron prints from her, and these pictures don't do her work justice. www.maryericksonart.com |
Mary Erickson |
8x10 painting by Mary Erickson |
Linda Hughes did pet portraits as well! So sweet! She works from your photo or will do a photo shoot. |
Jimmy Ellis www.JimmyEllisArt.com. I bought this print for my two boys who share a room -- we all love Boston Terriers. It makes me laugh every time I look at it. |
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